易经(I Ching)简介:

More than just a , 's I Ching is a to the world-view. The I Ching (Yi Jing) is by both and as a work, and shows why. He his work into three books. The first book is about the --the of the lines and 's . The two early that the of the text, also with 's notes. And the third book takes us back to the for more from both and . is able to offer such he spent the part of a in China under . His love for the work is thus as broad as his . The I Ching was used for , kind of like palm or the stars. It from , , in that it us, as , to an of the world and . this , the text is , hence the value of the , 's. This is not its , of --it is a 's of the I Ching, a late-Qing , into by a . , it like no other. 《易经》是我国一部最古老而深邃的经典,据说是由伏羲的言论加以总结与修改概括而来(同时产生了易经八卦图)易经经济发展,是华夏五千年智慧与文化的结晶,被誉为“群经之首,大道之源”。在古代是帝王之学,政治家、军事家、商家的必修之术。



